A large portion of the nutrients that are found in fruits and vegetables are found in the skin. The skin is a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Yet many of us prefer to consume fruits without the peels. RIND is a skin-on dried fruit snack brand that offers chewy snacks. The company currently offers six flavors, all made from California-grown organic fruit, that are vegan, non-GMO, kosher, and gluten-free. RIND can be found direct-to-consumer through its website as well as distributed online through Amazon, HungryRoot, FreshDirect, Good Eggs, Hive Brands, and Imperfect Foods and in-person at ~100 locations like select Whole Foods and Juice Press throughout the city. Through the pandemic, the company was able to grow revenue 5x and now plans to launch its first dried fruit snack chip.